more than just talk therapy . . .
                                                 . . . because a healthy mind


About Us


Mind Matters Cairns’ mission is to provide excellence in the practice of psychology and neuropsychophysiology (brain, body and mind) so that we can ease suffering and promote good mental health in our clients which we believe will inspire and assist them toward the kind of transformational change that will spread into society and inspire the same change in others.


Above all, we value compassion for all living beings

  • We believe in delivering quality psychological services that will have a positive impact on not only our clients but our community as well

  • We strive to demonstrate integrity, accountability and transparency in all we do.

  • We hold a belief in the inherent interconnection of all things, from our mind and body, to our relationships with our families, our friends, our work, our community and our world. With this belief in mind we aim to assist holistically by encouraging and assisting our clients to make healthy lifestyle choices because a healthy mind matters.

Mind Matters Cairns’ mission is to provide excellence in the practice of psychology and neuropsychophysiology (brain, body and mind) so that we can ease suffering and promote good mental health in our clients which we believe will inspire and assist them toward the kind of transformational change that will spread into society and inspire the same change in others.

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